Schrodinger equation




  1. Applying complex variables, the usual forms of Hamilton equation and Schrodinger equation can be changed into a same form, etc.
  2. The Two-Soliton Solution and Its Characteristics of the Modified Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation
  3. We looked at the wave functions, we know the other part of solving the Schrodinger equation is to solve for the binding energy of electrons to the nucleus, so let's take a look at those.
  4. We're going to be looking at the solutions to the Schrodinger equation for a hydrogen atom, and specifically we'll be looking at the binding energy of the electron to the nucleus.
  5. We are getting these by plotting the values from the Schrodinger equation.
  6. The one problem that we run into is as we go to more and more atoms on the table, as we add on electrons, the Schrodinger equation is going to get more complicated.
  7. Solve the Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation by the Precise Integration Method
  8. The single atom emission spectrum was obtained by solving numerically the time-dependent Schrodinger equation of two-level atom under strong laser field.
  9. First of all, a non-linear Schrodinger equation can be converted into homogeneous equations, and then the precise integration method can be used to solve these problems.
  10. Also, when we're looking at the Schrodinger equation, it allows us to explain a stable hydrogen atom, which is something that classical mechanics did not allow us to do.
  11. But, as I said before that, we have some more quantum numbers, when you solve the Schrodinger equation for psi, these quantum numbers have to be defined.
  12. An equation known as the Schrodinger equation describes how wave functions change in time, a role similar to Newton's second law in classical mechanics.
  13. And it turns out that the Schrodinger equation is an equation of motion in which you're describing a particle by describing it as a wave.
  14. Multiarc Subsolutions of Shallow-water Wave Equation; Soliton solution of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation with boundary conditions
  15. And on Monday what we were discussing was the solution to the Schrodinger equation for the wave function.
  16. If you look in your book there's a whole table of different solutions to the Schrodinger equation for several different wave functions.
  17. The principle of quantum well is discussed based on the Schrodinger equation satisfied by the electron wave function frcm quantum theory.
  18. In terms of the Schrodinger equation, we now can write it in terms of our polar coordinates here.
  19. The Schrodinger equation acts on the entire probability amplitude, not merely its absolute value.
  20. All right, so that's what we're going to cover in terms of the energy portion of the Schrodinger equation.
  21. And what we can do is we can also use the Schrodinger equation to make these accurate predictions for any other atom that we want to talk about in the periodic table.
  22. The method is based on the construction of a certain complete integrable finite-dimensional dynamical system, Whose solutions determine the exact solutions of nonlinear Schrodinger equation.
  23. The approximate inertial manifolds of the fractional nonlinear Schrodinger equation
  24. This is the Schrodinger equation.
  25. A New Difference Scheme for Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation Involving a Quintic Term
  26. The electronic configuration, all it is is the shorthand notation for that one electron approximation for the Schrodinger equation for lithium.
  27. And when you solved the relativistic form of the Schrodinger equation, what you end up with is that you can have two possible values for the magnetic spin quantum number.
  28. When we first introduced the Schrodinger equation, what I told you was think of psi as being some representation of what an electron is.
  29. The atom's probability in crystal was investigated by using the one-dimensional linearity resonance model and the Schrodinger equation.
  30. Based on the discrete character of charge, the finite differenced Schrodinger equation of the system is obtained.